Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Watch this space for further developments

Howdy! This is the future home of Through The Hiss, a project born in the wake of the collapse of a certain radio show on a certain college radio station in a certain city.


Anyhow, we plan to feature (in podcast form, woooo) live recordings and interviews from local musicians, as well as semi-local, regional, and touring bands. We will also be archiving past performances from our previous radio show in a series of podcasts, and we plan to feature creative works that are not strictly music-related (i.e. spoken word, poetry, photography, theatre).

We can be contacted at:


Anonymous said...

I am excited for this new venture, away from the hands held above our heads.

"Through The Hiss" refers to waving away the cloud of static around us to explore what is out there that hasn't been already beaten into our skulls already.

Unknown said...

Great start. Keep it up & shine above the ordinary.